There are many ways to commit credit card fraud. One of the most common ways is Identity Theft when someone uses your Social Security number or other personal information to open a credit card in your name. Some scammers will resort to stealing your mail or skimming your credit card information at stores or gas stations to commit this type of fraud. If you see unfamiliar accounts on your credit report, notice strange withdrawals from your bank account, or get bills for credit cards you don’t have, a scammer may have stolen your information. Report it to your local police department immediately and contact the Postal Inspection Service.
Credit Card Fraud
Protect Yourself From Credit Card Scams:
Don't leave your credit card unattended
Never leave your credit card lying around and don’t lend your card to anyone—not even your kids or a roommate.
Request credit reports annually
Request your credit report from each credit bureau at least once a year. Knowing what’s on your credit report can help protect you from credit card scams.
Keep financial information secure
Keep a record of your account numbers, their expiration dates, and the phone number to report fraud in a secure place.
Shred important documents
Shred important documents like your credit card, receipts, or important credit card documents before throwing them away.
Have You Witnessed This Scam?
If you’ve witnessed or been affected by credit card scams, we want to help. File a report with the Postal Inspection Service, contact your local police department and your credit reporting bureau.
Report Now