Identity Theft
According to the FTC, in 2023, there were over 1 million reported cases of identity theft; this also included over 2.6 million related fraud cases totaling more than $10.3 billion in losses. Once your personal information is in the hands of a scammer, you could lose your money, your good credit rating, and your overall financial health.
Protect Yourself
Follow and share these tips to protect yourself and others against identity theft.
Never share personal information
Don’t give your personal identifying information such as name, date of birth, Social Security number, mother’s maiden name, credit card number, or bank PIN code with someone you don’t know and don’t trust.
Deposit outgoing mail before collection time
Deposit outgoing mail into USPS® Blue Collection Boxes before the last collection time or at your local post office.
Sign credit cards immediately
Sign new credit cards right when you get them—before someone else does. If you applied for a card and didn’t receive it when expected, call the financial institution.
Monitor credit card expiration dates
Closely monitor the expiration dates on your credit cards and contact the issuer if you don’t receive a replacement prior to the expiration date.
Review credit reports
Keep track of your credit and check your credit reports annually.
Don't share personal information
Never give personal information over the phone or Internet unless you initiated the contact and you are sure the company is legitimate.
Leave your Social Security card at home
Never carry your Social Security card or birth certificate with you.
Identity theft is America’s fastest growing crime.
Report a crime
Are you a victim or have you witnessed a mail-related crime? Alert Postal Inspectors to the problem and prevent others from being victimized.
Report Now