0:00 - 0:07 While most stores are closed during the pandemic, fraudsters have opened up shop. They are peddling fake cures, scams, and phony medications. 0:08 - 0:10 Hi. I'm Andrea Avery, United States Postal Inspector. 0:11 - 0:21 Feeding off the fear and confusion bred by the virus and its lack of a cure or vaccine, scams range from sophisticated phony medical treatments to simple identity frauds. 0:22 - 0:31 Some websites are offering vaccine kits from the World Health Organization or other legitimate sounding agencies, with the only costs being a $4.95 shipping fee. 0:32 - 0:34 Consumers are asked to enter their credit card information on the website. 0:35 - 0:40 Beware. There are currently no legitimate COVID-19 vaccines or cures being distributed. 0:41 - 0:43 And there is no shortage of people trying to cash in on this crisis. 0:44 - 0:46 Make sure they don’t get your cash. 0:47 - 0:53 Report scams immediately to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at U-S-P-I-S dot Gov slash REPORT. 0:54 - 0:58 We hope you stay safe, and please... take care of yourself, your families, and each other.