a gang of people that were addicted to methamphetamine that's who started up an illegal check washing scam to bankroll their habit you get a chemical you put it in a little wash bin you can put a check in there and the handwritten ink will come off and you can therefore use that check and put whatever you want in there the 10 con men were making checks out to fake names and producing phony IDs these people were able to get ahold of blank temporary driver's license copies and so then they were able to put whatever information they needed it on there and they're very good at there were hundreds of victims it's a fairly simple crime for the suspect to do and it's a very hard crime for the victims to wash what they did to them away the losses were not only financial many were personal there were checks that were going you know to two nephews and and two grandchildren for birthdays and you know they find out later that they're their grandchild didn't get their check and you know what's that kid thinking on their birthday