I fell in blind thinker and Matt Gurley is still angry with himself for getting lured into the Ponzi scheme run by Gina pala Seanie I did one of the most stupid things I ever did in my lifetime I wrote her a check for $100,000 Palestine II approached Gurley and other elderly victims many of them veterans offering to help them obtain government benefits I thought she was representing the VA I was even more so convinced when she freely invited me to her house introduced me to her family Carly says he truly believed he was getting benefits available to him because he was a veteran so what she would do was convince them to reallocate diversify their assets into an annuity and to Anna four of the family trusts but instead of putting that money in the annuity she would put it in her business expense account she would didn't wire that money from her expense account to personal accounts and then just write checks like it was her job postal inspectors say the mother of four spent most of the money on her children she would take her kids on vacations elaborate vacations like most Ponzi schemes policy knees scam unraveled once the victims started asking questions that's when the excuses started coming out in all 13 victims lost two million dollars it's heartbreaking they worked their entire lives for anywhere from being a firefighter to a pastor to being in the military she targeted again those that were elderly but also those that were veterans Mack Gurley says he's learned a lesson and is less trusting but targeting the elderly he believes he's inexcusable they have reduced himself to the lowest rank in the human chain you