(V/O) LIKE THE MODELING PROFESSION ITSELF: THIS OFFER WAS SEDUCTIVE. (Lori McCallister, US Postal Inspector) “The modeling agency sent this young girl an email stating that she could start modeling classes which could help her start modeling professionally.” (V/O) IN THE EMAIL, SHE WAS ASKED FOR HER WEIGHT, WAIST SIZE AND THREE PHOTOGRAPHS. (Lori McCallister, US Postal Inspector) “She received a check for $25-hundred dollars. They said all she had to do was pay the royalties and the taxes on that check and that would help her get introduced into the modeling agency.” (V/O) THE PROBLEM: POSTAL INSPECTORS FOUND IT WAS A SCAM. (Lori McCallister, US Postal Inspector) “This was a counterfeit check and thankfully the mother realized her daughter was being scammed.” (V/O) INVESTIGATORS SAY THIS SCAM REFLECTS AN ALARMING TREND. (Lori McCallister, US Postal Inspector) “It shows now that the suspects and people committing these crimes; they are now going after college students and even younger potentially.” (V/O) FRAUDSTERS ARE OFTEN TROLLING TO SEE “WHO” IS VISITING VARIOUS WEBSITES AND THEN TARGET THEM WITH A SCAM. (Lori McCallister, US Postal Inspector) “If you have a passion for anything, you should be the one that is reaching out to these types of schools. Whether it is modeling school, art school, or anything like that you should be the one looking online requesting further information.” Suggested Tag: POSTAL INSPECTORS SAY: BE WEARY OF WEBSITES YOU DON’T KNOW OR THAT DON’T APPEAR TO BE LEGITIMATE. AND NEVER OPEN EMAILS FROM UNKNOWN ADDRESSES.