he would maim and scar these people because it was not being done him properly William Ferguson was impersonating a doctor performing procedures and dispensing prescriptions without a license initially patients would visit Hollywood body and laser Center for a weight loss program known as HCG this was a last-ditch effort to try and lose weight naturally through you know some kind of prescription the problem is there was no doctor supervising this clinic and so many of these prescriptions were false in those female consumers were not examined by a doctor HCG diet consists of injections and a 500 calorie a day diet if it didn't work Furguson recommended alternatives one of those was liposuction again the person performing a liposuction was not a doctor was not being supervised by a doctor the clinic offered treatments for hair removal acne skin rejuvenation and cellulite 20 victims lost more than $80,000 many of them suffered psychological and physical harm there were several victims that had permanent scarring that we'll never be able to be remedied postal inspectors say before you consider having procedures like these do your homework just because you visit a facility that people wear lab coats does not mean that they are doctors does not mean that they are medically licensed so you need to be sure that the business that you're interacting with has the proper licensing for the state where you reside