my main regret is it I just premature ridiculously anymore melva admit she has work to do in repairing her relationship with her family after losing more than 300,000 dollars in a lottery sweepstakes scam I was trying to hide everything from my family I was lying to him and I didn't like doing that the ordeal began when Melba got a call telling her she won 35 million dollars and a mercedes-benz in a foreign lottery all she had to do was send money for the taxes and fees so she did she sent thousands of dollars in cash and express mail packages I even told me to take magazines and put it didn't you know put it through the magazines and put it in the magazines and put it in in a non blood postal inspectors intercepted one of those envelopes return the money and told her family but Melva said it right back out I guess that's what got me into trouble that as it took breast I didn't want to listen to what anybody had to say because I was I didn't think it was a scam melva's sister noticed she was taking a lot of trips to the post office when she asked her about the trips she lied which family members now realized she was coached to do now you know you don't tell anybody you don't handle in the body that you've got this laundry you don't you don't tell anybody that's going on to you get the money we were just kind of lost you know what to do no I do how do we break through to her despite their please melva kept sending money I just had that threat when the thread of hope thinking maybe decision maybe there is something to it but there isn't and I need that now these folks are smart I mean I hate to say it but they will always seem to be a step ahead of us because every time we try bring reason or logic they aren't said whatever i'll tell you this and this isn't the crew in a desperate move melva's daughter was forced to take her own mother to court to gain control of her finances that brainwashing and I felt like I was being brainwashed and doing everything that they asked me to do because I was following everything they come into did for Tootie postal inspectors say family members must get involved it can happen to anyone talk to your family member being vigilant aksam questions where are you sending this money everybody needs to need to support of someone to have them get through it cause I thought I can get through this by myself but I can't and I'm beginning to seek some help to help me deal with my feelings and what caused me to react this way this way