TEASE: AN EBAY SCAM THAT COST VICTIMS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. HOW IT HAPPENED COMING UP Anchor Lead: HERE’S ONE INTERNET SCHEME THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN EASY TO FALL FOR. As (reporter) found – IT UNFOLDED ON EBAY AND VICTIMS LOST A TOTAL OF HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. BERRY YOUNCE USED THE USER NAME “SQ20” TO POST ADS ON EBAY SAYING HE HAD COMPUTERS FOR SALE. (Christopher Davis, US Postal Inspector) “This was quite a big scam throughout the whole country, where Mr. Younce is basically selling the computers on the Internet, but not really having the product.” HERE IS HOW IT WORKED. (Christopher Davis, US Postal Inspector) “He is posting computers, but people kept underbidding the cost to purchase it. Therefore, if he was not having the computer people were bidding on he would have to go buy it at a larger cost.” EVENTUALLY, POSTAL INSPECTORS RECEIVED SEVERAL COMPLAINTS ABOUT ORDERS NOT BEING FULFILLED THROUGH EBAY. (Christopher Davis, US Postal Inspector) “We got seized computers, various documents, lulling letters from victims who are saying “where is my computer, where is my computer Mr Younce”.” INSPECTORS SAY MORE THAN 250 ORDERS WENT UNFILLED AND LOSSES WERE MORE THAN 200-THOUSAND DOLLARS. HERE IS SOME SIMPLE ADVICE. (Christopher Davis, US Postal Inspector) “Do more research on your seller on ebay. You can contact ebay and they’ll give you feed back and you get more info on the seller.” Anchor Tag: Younce was sentenced to 1 year home confinement followed by 3 years of supervised release.